First and foremost I would like to acknowledge the twenty-one men who came forward to tell their stories of depression, anxiety, and suicidality. I deeply appreciate your courage and openness in sharing your lived experiences.
Thanks to Dr Michael Roguski, Director of Kaitiaki Research and Evaluation for his support in gathering men’s stories.
Thanks to Professor John Oliffe, Founder and Lead Investigator of UBC’s Men’s Health Research Program, for providing ongoing support and expertise to the project.
Thanks to Professor Anna Brown, Founder and Director of Toi Āria: Design for Public Good, Massey University, for collaborating on the project and supporting the design of the photographic exhibition.
Thanks to JJ du Plessis (Bachelor of Design with Honours Visual Communication Design) for his skills and creativity in designing and building the photographic exhibition.
This research was made possible by a Marsden Fast-Start grant supported by the Marsden Fund Council from Government funding, managed by Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi.
This study was approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee (Health) (Ref.H21/075).

Senior Research Fellow,
University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand